Easy DIY Makeup/Makeup Brush Holders

I don’t know about you guys, but I love having the makeup, skincare and other products that are use on a regular basis easily accessible to me. When I say easily accessible, I mean I love having this products on top of my bathroom sink. Sure it’s convenient, but a times it can look like I dumped a bag from Sephora on top of my sink and did not bother to clean it up. Here’s my simple solution, for pretty and practical, makeup and brush storage. This product is extremely budget-friendly. It only cost me $5 to make both.

What You’ll Need:

  • Glass containers (I opted to purchase glass containers from Dollar Tree.)
  • Glass pebbles (Again, Dollar Tree)
  • Washi tape (I found a 4 pack of tape in Marshall’s for just a couple dollars, it’s nice to have variety when completing this project!)
  • Scissors.


What You Do:

  • Simply, create a pattern using the washi tape.
  • Carefully, place the washi tape on your glass containers. Make sure to hold the tape with a steady hand to ensure the tape remains in a straight line.
  • Use scissors to cut the end of the tape neatly.
  • Drop glass pebbles into the bottom of your jar — this is ideal if you are making a makeup brush holder…it helps to keep them separated.
  • Place your must-have products in and enjoy!
