Gotta Watch Out for Pot Holes.

Hey guys! Long time no see…or write I guess! I’ve been a busy girl.

Here’s what I’ve been up to:

1. Pulled Pork Pancakes….sounds odd, but it’s delicious!

photo 2 (3)

2. Pirates Playoff Games. Yes, the Pirates may be out of the playoffs now. However, I am beyond thrilled with the buccos this year. They played six playoff games and did great.The season may be over, but these guys worked so hard and I am so happy to say I’ve been a pirates fan since before they were good!

photo 3

3. Running a 6.6k. This did not go as planned, but it was still a lot of fun. I ran one leg into a pot hole at about the 1 mile marker and had a very sore knee the remainder of the way. However, this was the longest race I’ve completed and it was thrilling. So exciting, that I am actively working to put together a relay team for the marathon!

photo 1 (2)



What have you been up to lately?

Running Nutrition: Protein

Protein and Running: Just How Important is Protein?

When it comes to sports nutrition, many individuals often associate the importance of protein with bodybuilding. Few will associate protein with running and marathon training. However, as your train for a marathon protein is very important in helping runners to build up endurance. As a long-distance runner, you are very much aware of the importance of endurance. As a result, you need to understand the importance of protein.

Protein intake in adequate amounts is very important as a fuel source for your body. Protein, when used in conjunction with fats and carbohydrates, can also help to rebuild muscle fibers that become damaged as a result of your marathon training regime.

Have you heard about amino acids?

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids. The specific structure and order of these amino acids helps to determine protein types. With 22 different amino acids, there are amino acids that can be made by the body (non-essential amino acids) and amino acids that must be consumed through your food intake. These amino acids are known as essential amino acids.

If essential amino acids are lacking in your diet, you may begin to experience health problems, which can have a negative effect on your performance. This can be prevented by eating a healthy, well-balanced carnivorous diet. By consuming meat products, it is highly unlikely that you be lacking amino acids.

How much protein do you really need?

Like many other issues concerning diet and exercise, how much protein you need in your diet will largely depend on who you ask. Too little protein can hinder your muscles’ ability to recover after a workout. Too much protein will be broken down into waste products by the liver. The general recommendation of protein falls between 1.5g and 17g of protein per kilogram of your bodyweight daily.

Running: Runners and Carbs

Let’s use that exercise science degree!

Nutrition planning as a runner can sometimes be difficult. There is so much information out there and sometimes this information can seem extremely conflicting. However regardless of what you might have heard, carbohydrates are extremely important to your training and performance as a runner. Whether you know a lot or little about sports nutrition, it is important to understand your carbs. Your body will thank you for it.

When it comes to diets, carbohydrates often receive plenty of attention. With many popular diet plans – think the Atkin’s Diet – asking participants to cut carbs for their diets, it is not surprising that many of us are confused when it comes to eating carbs. It is important to remember that a diet that asks you to restrict one type of food from your diet is considered a fad diet. Fad diets may yield quick results, but the results are often short-lived once you go off of the diet.

Carbs and your body

Without a doubt, your brain is one of the most (if not the most) important organ in your body. To keep your brain alive and well, your brain requires a steady supply of fuel. This fuel comes in the form of carbohydrates and glucose. Without proper fuel, your brain might not function properly and you may find yourself susceptible to a wide-variety of health conditions. As a result, it is important to eat carbohydrates. Carbs, such as rice, paste and potatoes are known as complex carbohydrates. These carbs are broken down into monosaccharaides that they can be transported throughout your body via your blood.

It is important to remember that you do not need to continuously eat carbs in order to fuel your body. The body stores carbs for later use. As you are training, your body relies on stored internal glycogen to keep your legs moving. Without sufficient glycogen, you may find yourself struggling to run.

How important is glycogen?

Glycogen is very important for runners. Your body can store approximately 500g of carbohydrates in the form of glycogen. The breakdown includes 100g in the liver and 400g in the muscle. At one time, your muscles store enough glycogen to run 18 miles. As a result, glycogen is extremely important during endurance events.

If running a 5k or half marathon, changes are you will not run out of glycogen.

When should I consume carbs?

Appropriate timing of your carbohydrate intake is extremely important as a runner. This can help make your training sessions and races as successful as possible.

Immediately following exercise or training, your body secretes large amounts of enzymes known as glycogenase. This enzyme makes your muscles and liver highly receptive to absorbing as well as storing carbohydrates. As a result, consuming carbs after training can be extremely beneficial to your muscles as well as liver. A lack of carbs in your diet can leave your body feeling tired and sluggish.

Humor at the Track

The local high school track is about a mile from house and I have never gone there alone. For some reason, going alone always freaked me out until now. I finally sucked it up and visited the track on my own and logged my longest run to date.

With my headphones in and my running up started, I was ready to go! Despite the fact it was 85, I was prepared to take on the challenge. Little did I know I’d here and see quite a few interesting things along my run:

  • “Will you go to the prom with me?’ Yep, that’s right at 28 years old I was asked to the prom next year by some kid who had to be no more than 16 years old.
  • Word of advice never wear shorts that say “RAD” on the butt. They are my shorts from the Color Me Rad 5k. They are short and I would never wear them other than for lounging or working out. But oh the comments you’ll get from high school kids. That got my rad butt flying around the track. Personally, I think they should have tried running rather than sitting in the center of the track.
  • A man running in a shirt, dress pants and dress shoes.
  • A women running with a purse, sneakers, and a dress. (all I can think of is the bad prom 5k I just pre-registered for!)

What’s the best thing you’ve ever seen at the track?

Well I’m off to ice and watch the bachelorette. By the way, you know you are dedicated to a 10k program when you have tan lines from your favorite Under Armour tank!

Enjoy your evening!

How Do You Run in the Heat?

  • 3 minute jog
  • 90 second walk
  • 5 minute jog
  • 2.4 minute walk
  • 3 minute jog
  • 90 second walk
  • 5 minute jog

Week 4, Day 1 of 10k for Pink Complete!

I’ve been following the 10k for Pink iPhone app in an effort to be able to build up my running ability without injuring myself. It’s a 14 week training program that essentially takes you from couch to 5k then on to a 10k. This is by far the most running in the program thus far. However, it’s going good despite the heat. I do not enjoy running in 85 plus degree weather. I don’t know how those of you in warmer climates do it.

How do those of you how run in warmer climates do it? I’ve tried running at dusk and lately it still has been way too hot and trust me I am not one to wake up at the crack of dawn if I don’t have to.

Upon doing some research, here are some ideas I’ve found that I am definitely going to have to try:

  • Taking a cool shower before running and leaving your hair wet in a bun on your head as you run.
  • Keeping a thin, frozen towel on your neck as you run.
  • Plenty of h2o. Drinking 8 glasses a day along with 8 to 12 ounces 15 minutes prior to running. Drinking 3 to 8 ounces of water for every 15 to 20 minutes run.

Day After Aches and Pains

Happy Monday! Who else is happy that it is a short week? I’m very excited for some baseball, regatta and a day off of work! What are your Plans for the 4th of July?

My 2-a-day workout yesterday kicked my butt. Today, I am experiencing plenty of muscle soreness.

My remedy for muscle soreness:

1. My Foam Roller

Fitness Gear 24 in Foam Roller - Dick's Sporting Goods

2. Peas! The best ice pack ever. Seriously, you need one of these! (at CVS)

CVS Peas Hot or Cold Therapy Pack Large

3. Bengay Zero Degrees…definitely best in the freezer!

Bengay Zero Degree Menthol Pain Relieving Gel - 3 oz.

What’s your pain relief remedy!

Of possible interest! Good read! You can eat healthy without breaking the bank!

44 Healthy Foods under $1


Week 3, Days 1 and 2 of 10K for Pink complete!

Yep, I completed two workouts back to back.

  • 5 minute walking warm up
  • 90 second run
  • 90 second walk
  • 3 minute run
  • 3 minute walk
  • 5 minute cool down

X 4!!

Go Me!

I know over-training is not that way to go. In this case, I am more advanced of a runner than this program has me at so I figured it was okay to push my limits!


How was everyone’s weekend? Did you do anything exciting? Me? 3 Buccos games! Those 1st place Bucs, how about that! I also visited the Steel City Pet Expo and took on some organization projects in my bathroom. I have a so many sample sized and full size items that I got for no cost or very low cost, but I feel like I always end up running to the store because I can’t be bothered looking through my messy drawers for what I need. Mission get organized is definitely in full-force! How do you stay organized?

Cool Down Before You Stop!

Has anyone ever followed the 10k for Pink iPhone app? I currently am. While I really enjoy the app and are finding it a great way to build endurance and in the end hopefully I’ll be able to call myself a runner. Right now, I’d say I’m more of a runner when I feel like it or a runner who gives up or says I can’t do it way too easily.

Anyways, the 10k for Pink app always includes a 5 minute walking warm up and a 5 minute walking cool down. I am definitely pumped for the warm up but by the time I finish the actually running part, I find myself not-so-excited to begin the cool down. With an exercise science degree, I know the importance of cooling down but find myself to eager to hit the showers or too eager to move onto my next task for the day or evening. When you are short on time, it seems so easy to just skip the cool down. After all, you did just complete the hard part right? Wrong! Cooling down is important (just keep reminding yourself of that, I know I have to).  Here’s why:

  • Increased risk of injury, Your muscles can tighten up without a cool down.
  • Cooling down helps to regulate blood flow, which brings your body back to its normal state.
  • Is great for mental clarity.
  • Helps with a sense of accomplishment! You’ve completed the entire workout not just most of it!

Whats your advise to those of us who have a long ways to go to consider ourselves runners?

Looking for a challenge? I always am. I’ve decided to go with one challenge a month starting with July 1st. Since, July 1st is right around the corner, it’s time to make a decision.

Here’s what I’m thinking:

What do you think?

Is anyone with me?